President, AMREN Foundation
Lucknow Film Forum
Renuka is an author & philanthropist a game changer, and a crusader for women's rights. She believes in “Karma”, a “karma yogi” by heart
She is the Director of Amren Group of Industries,
Founder president of
AMREN FOUNDATION: Lucknow film forum & Dakshpeeth
AMREN Lucknow Film Forum will create a platform to discuss model and innovative communication strategies which will initiate a dialogue for effective social change through film and media. The LFF will generate a database of talent pool In different verticals of filmmaklng.This will be shared and promoted among domestic and international filmmakers planning to make movies in UP. The key focus of Lucknow Film Forum is to bring together the voices and expertise of leading Film Personalities and Organizations,with AMREN as a catalyst for change towards creating gender sensitivity and women empowerment. Through ‘REEL TALK’.. audiences will be enriched with insights and experiences shared by the powerful Actors, award winning Directors and producers. A unique highlight of the AMREN Lucknow Film Forum is thought provoking workshops that will be conducted by esteemed organisations and experts. Since pictorial method is a strong educational tool,a stellar line up of Documentaries, Feature and Short Films have been curated to initiate awareness and empathy along with engaging conversations and interactions,promoting U.P.Tourism. “HELP US STRENGTHEN OUR VOICE FOR EXCELLENCE”